School Grades

School grades provide one metric to measure the performance of a school. Parents and the general public can use the school grade and its associated components to gain insight into how the school's students are performing. The school grades calculation was revised substantially for the 2014-15 school year and beyond to implement statutory changes made by the 2014 Legislature and incorporate the new Florida Standards Assessments (FSA). The 2015-16 school grades incorporate the new school grades model adopted for 2014-15 and include the new learning gains components for the first time. The school grades model focuses on student success measures: achievement in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies; learning gains; graduation; acceleration success, and maintains a focus on students who need the most support.

"Accountability" means being held responsible for required results and showing the current status or accomplishments of a system toward reaching stated goals. Seminole County Public Schools operate under the legislative mandates of the State of Florida and comply with all Department of Education policies and procedures. Click on the Link below to learn more about the Florida Department of Education's School Accountability Report and to view Seminole County and other school district reports in the State of Florida.

Links below will connect viewers with the Florida Department of Education website and the homepage for the School Accountability Report. A Guide Sheet is also provided at that site which provides an explanation of the way school grades were calculated in each year of the program.

School Grades

Alphabetical listing of Seminole County Public Schools Letter Grades

The Florida Department of Education School Grades Website

ESEA School Public Accountability Reports

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