Leadership Pathways Mission
The mission of Leadership Pathways is to increase the number of extraordinary leaders serving at every level of operation in Seminole County Public Schools through experiential learning and reflective practice.
Leadership Pathways, a function of Human Resources, is designed to be a support system for Seminole County educators on all levels to develop and hone leadership skills.
Through various initiatives, such as job-alike leadership networks, 1:1 mentorship and coaching, ad-hoc book studies and in-service activities, school-based and networked instructional rounds, and our annual summer internships, teachers and leaders learn through collaboration, experience, and reflection.
Leadership Pathways is committed to ensuring excellence and equity for all students by supporting the development of a diverse, highly qualified principal pipeline. Review our SCPS Day One Principal Profile outlining the qualifications and competencies of an SCPS principal.
Services Rendered:

Teaching and Leading Professional Resource Library
Every SCPS teacher and leader has full access in the portal to our SCPS professional library through the Gale Virtual Reference Library, GVRL, with access to more than 100 titles addressing all aspects of student learning and school leadership.
Principal Certification Academy - PCA
PCA Foundational Leadership Trainings
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Zenger Folkman Elevating Feedback
True Colors Personal Success
PCA Book Studies
Assistant Principals participate in and/or lead small groups in the discussion of foundational leadership texts such as Good to Great by Jim Collins, Mindset by Carol Dweck, Excellence Through Equity by Alan M. Blankstein and Pedro Noguera, Solving Disproportionality and Achieving Equity by Edward Fergus, and How to be Exceptional by John Zenger and Joseph Folkman.
Administrator Networks
New Principals, new assistant principals, SAM's, and Deans form networks of educators focused on improving the educational outcomes of students in Seminole County Public Schools while evaluating and refining the skills in the areas of instructional leadership and operational efficacy.
Leadership Pathways Aspiring Leaders
1:1 Mentorship and Coaching - wondering how you can lead where you are in preparation for where you want to go? 1:1 coaching helps you build on your strengths as you travel your leadership pathway. Schedule some time today - I make house calls, or WebEx calls, or we can meet in the quiet of my office at the ESC - whatever works best for you.
Leadership Pathways Aspiring Leaders/Leadership Labs are in-service activities designed for teacher leaders who are interested in developing their leadership skills. There are no pre-qualifications. Teacher leaders who are interested in becoming master teachers, PLC leaders, coaches, district teacher leaders, deans, or school administration managers are invited to attend. It is a great way to network with others and let district leaders know you are interested in expanding your role.
Summer Internships for Interested Teacher Leaders
Leadership Pathways has developed a thriving summer internship program to give aspiring leaders the opportunity to "peek behind the curtain" and learn about the duties and expectations of an Assistant Principal or Principal. In addition, Teaching & Learning, Assessment & Accountability, Students Support Services, ePathways, Information Services, and the Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools at times are a part of the internship opportunity.
The win for teacher leaders is an opportunity to learn about various leadership positions. The win for mentoring administrators is the opportunity to develop others and have extra help with summer school, preparations for the new school year, special projects and much more
Leadership "Plus" Experiences
Aspiring leaders are invited to participate in "plus" experiences as they come available as described below:
School-based Leadership Roles
eCampus Aspiring Leader Activities
Instructional Model Professional Development
Teacher leaders are invited to lead or participate in professional development regarding the SCPS instructional model.
School leadership begins in the classroom with highly skilled teachers honing their instructional practice through implementation and reflection.
Leadership Labs
Future Leadership Labs will provide opportunities for teacher leaders to work collaboratively on action research projects, problems of practice, professional development activities or special projects to spark innovation and leadership development. Leadership Labs will also provide an opportunity to pursue micro-credentials with the support of time, space and critical friends. Labs can be in-person, remote, or blended. For current SCPS employees, detailed and up to date information on meeting dates and times are announced on our eCampus page
SCPS Instructional Model
SCPS Leadership Model
Dumarie Rodriguez-Dillard
Director, Leadership Pathways, Recruitment/Retention, and Certification
[email protected]
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